Local Recources

Welcome to Bancroft!

Contact me today to find the home, cottage or lot of your dreams on one of our many lakes!


Albion Lake –
Surface Area 160 acres
Max Depth 37′,
Fish: Splake, Yellow Perch & Small mouth Bass
(20% Crown Land)
Allen Lake – (Harcourt)
Surface Area 97.8 Hectares
Max Depth 30 m
Fish: Rainbow Trout, Brook Trout and small mouth Bass.
Anstruther Lake- (Apsley)
Surface Area 1591 acres
Max Depth 117′
Fish: Lake Trout, Small mouth Bass, Large mouth Bass
(66% Crown Land)
BBaptiste Lake –
Surface Area 5342 acres
Max Depth 103′
Fish: Lake Trout,  Small mouth Bass, Large mouth Bass, Muske & Walleye
(part of a 34 mile, 3 lake chain with Elephant & Benoir Lake)

Bark Lake –
Surface Area 9386 acres
Max Depth 287′
Fish: Lake Trout, Small mouth Bass, Whitefish, Perch

Bay Lake – (Faraday)
Surface Area 215 acres
Max Depth 79′
Fish: Lake Trout, Small mouth Bass, Perch & Brook Trout
(Limestone based Lake, Very CLEAN)

Benoir Lake – (Harcourt)
Surface Area 228 acres
Max Depth 60′
Fish: Muske, Small mouth Bass, Large mouth Bass,
(Part of a 34 mile, 3 lake chain with Elephant and Baptiste Lake)
Bentley Lake – (Faraday)
Surface Area 85 acres
Max Depth 40′,
Fish: Small mouth Bass, Yellow Perch, Trout
Big Mink Lake – (McClure)
Surface Area 196 Hectares
Max Depth 24 m, Fish: Lake Trout & Bass
(60% Crown Land)
Brooks Lake –(Wollaston)
Surface Area 24 Hectares
Max Depth 7m
Fish: Small mouth and large mouth Bass

Cardiff  Lake – (Highlands East)
Surface Area 27 hectares
Max Depth 18m
Fish: Rainbow Trout & Bass

Cardwell Lake – (Hastings)
Surface Area 108 acres
Max Depth 42′
Fish: Rainbow Trout & Bass
(86% Crown Land)

Carfrae Lake –
Surface area 18 acres
Max Depth 41′
Fish: Small mouth Bass, Brook Trout
Cashel Lake – (Gunter)
Surface Area 423 acres
Max Depth 87′
Fish: Small mouth Bass & Large Mouth Bass , Lake Trout
(60% Crown Land)Chandos Lake – (Apsley)
Surface Area 4283 acres
Max Depth 157′
Fish: Lake Trout, Northern Pike, Walleye & Bass
(5% Crown Land)
Clark Lake – (Dungannon)
Surface Area 101 acres
Max Depth 93′ 

Fish: Small mouth BassCoe Island Lake –
Surface Area 208 acres
Max Depth 28′
Fish: Small mouth Bass, Splake, Yellow Perch


Deer Lake – (Cardiff)
Surface Area 468 acres
Max Depth 60′
Fish: Lake Trout & Small Mouth Bass
(46% Crown Land)

Diamond Lake – (Herschel)
Surface Area 371 acres
Max Depth 81′
Fish: Lake Trout, Small mouth & Large mouth Bass and Brook Trout 

Dickey Lake – (Marmora & Lake)
Surface Area 828 acres
Max Depth over 165′
Fish: Lake Trout, Small mouth Bass, Large mouth Bass & Perch
(Part of a two lake chain with the Lake of Islands)


Echo Lake – (Bangor)
Surface Area 58 Hectares
Max Depth 18m
Fish: Brook Trout
(80% Crown Land)

Eels Lake – (Anstruther)
Surface area 2337 acres
Max Depth 98′
Fish: Lake Trout, Small mouth Bass, Pickeral & Walleye
(40% Crown Land)

Elephant Lake – (Harcourt)
Surface Area 2186 acres (Part of the 36 mile chain of Benoir & Baptiste Lake),
Max Depth 23′
Fish: Muskellunge, Bass & Walleye
(Part of a 34 mile, 3 lake chain with Baptiste & Benoir Lakes)


Faraday Trout Lake –
Surface Area 279 acres
Max Depth 80′
Fish: Small mouth Bass, Lake Trout, Perch and Brook Trout
(25% Crown Land)
Farqhaur Lake – (Harcourt)
Surface Area 819 acres
Max Depth 171′
Fish: Small mouth Bass & Large Mouth Bass, Perch, Lake Trout & Brook Trout 
Fraser Lake – (Boulter)
Surface Area 553 acres
Max Depth 60′
Fish: Pickeral, Pike, Small mouth & Large mouth Bass, Walleye
GGrace Lake – (Wilberforce)
Surface Area 542 acres
Max Depth 116′
Fish: Small Mouth Bass, Lake Trout

Graphite Lake – (Monteagle)
Surface area 97 acres
Max Depth 48′
Fish: Northern Pike, Rainbow Trout

Gunter Lake –
Surface Area 300 acres
Max Depth 50′
Fish: Small mouth & Large mouth Bass
Holland Lake –
Surface Area 30 hectares
Max Depth 12m
Fish: Lake Trout & Bass
Jack Lake –
Surface Area 2930 acres
Max Depth 168′
Fish: Walleye, Small mouth & Large mouth Bass
Jamieson Lake – Surface Area 118 acres
Max Depth 78′
Fish: Lake Trout, Small mouth BassJeffrey Lake – (Faraday)
Surface Area 104 acres
Max Depth 127′
Fish: Lake Trout, Perch & Small mouth BassJordon Lake – (Highland Grove)
Surface Area 150 acres
Max Depth 45′
Fish: Rainbow trout, Brook Trout, Perch
Kamaniskeg Lake –
Surface Area 7200 acres
Max Depth 133′
Fish: Perch, Lake Trout, Pike, Whitefish.

L’Amable Lake – (Faraday)
Surface Area 443 acres
Max Depth 115′
Fish: Lake Trout & Small mouth Bass

Lasswade – (Apsley)
Surface Area 72 acre
Max Depth 30′
Fish: Rainbow Trout, Small mouth& Large mouth Bass

Lake of Islands – (Marmora & Lake)
Surface Area 300 acres
Max Depth 50′
Fish: Small mouth Bass, Large mouth Bass & Perch
(Part of a two lake chain with Dickey Lake)

Lake St. Peter – (McClure)
Surface Area 580 acres
Max Depth 94′
Fish: Lake Trout, Rainbow Trout,Small mouth Bass, Salmon
(10% Crown Land)
Lavallee Lake –
Surface Area  210 acres
Max Depth 31 Metres
Fish: Lake Trout, Small mouth Bass, Brook Trout & Northern Pike
Limerick Lake – (Limerick)
Surface Area 1840 acres
Max Depth 95′
Fish: Lake Trout, Whitefish, Perch & Small mouth Bass
(Limestone based Lake)
Lost Lake – (Marmora & Lake)
Surface Area; Unknown
Max Depth 13m
Fish: Small mouth Bass, Large mouth Bass, Perch
Little Papineau – (Wicklow)
Surface Area 83 hectares
Max Depth 17m,
Fish: Northern Pike & Bass
(80% Crown Land)

Lower Cardiff – (Cardiff)
Surface Area; Unknown
Max Depth 21 m
Fish: Rainbow Trout & Bass

Lower Paudash – (Cardiff)
Surface Area 461 hectares
Max Depth 21m
Fish: Bass & Walleye

Lucerne Lake – (Faraday)
Surface Area 25 acres
Max Depth 45′
Fish: Small mouth Bass
No Motor Lake

Marble Lake –  
Smaller lake, Excellent Fishing
No Motor Lake

Mayo Lake –  (Mayo)
Surface Area 470 acres
Max Depth 125′
Fish: Lake Trout, Small mouth Bass & Yellow Perch
(83% Crown Land)

Mephisto Lake – (Cashel)
Surface Area 398 acres
Max Depth 126′
Fish: Lake Trout & Bass
(Crown Land Lake)

McKenzie Lake – 
Surface Area 1100 acres
Max Depth 90′
Fish: Lake Trout, Small mouth Bass, Perch

Monck Lake – (Cardiff)
Surface Area 143 hectares
Max Depth 12m
Fish: Splake & Bass
(10% Crown Land)



Papineau Lake – (Wicklow)
Surface Area 1992 acres
Max Depth 210′
Fish: Lake Trout, Small Mouth Bass, White Fish, Perch & Northern Pike
(25% Crown Land)

Paudash Lake – Surface Area 1756 acres
Max Depth 70′
Fish: Lake Trout
Small mouth & Large mouth Bass & Walleye
(15% Crown Land)

Perch Lake – (Marmora & Lake)
Surface Area; Unknown
Max Depth; unknown
Fish: Perch & Small mouth Bass & Large mouth Bass

Pusey Lake – (Cardiff)
Surface Area 57 hectares
Max Depth 11m
Fish: Bass & Lake Trout

Riddell Lake – (Faraday)
Surface Area 28 hectares
Max Depth 35m
Fish: Rainbow Trout

Robinson Lake – (Limerick)
Surface Area 70 acres
Max Depth 114′
Fish: Small mouthBass & Lake Trout
(17% Crown Land)



St.Ola Lake – (Limerick)
Surface Area 427 acres
Max Depth 12′
Fish: Small mouth & Large mouth Bass
(25% Crown Land)

Salmon Trout Lake – (Monteagle)
Surface Area 248 acres
Max Depth 43′
Fish: Bass, Walleye

Siddon Lake – (Faraday) 
Surface Area 23 acres
Max Depth 50′
Fish: Speckled Trout, Perch & SM Bass
No motor lake 

Steenburg Lake – (Limerick)
Surface Area 684 acres
Max Depth 60′
Fish: Small mouth & Large mouth Bass, Splake

Straggle Lake –  (Harcourt)
Surface Area 235 acres
Max Depth 60′
Fish: Bass & northern Pike


Tait Lake – (Dungannon)
Surface Area 48 acres
Max Depth 21′
Fish: Bass & Northern Pike



Vanderbeck Lake – (Bangor)
Surface Area 17 hectares
Max Depth 7m
Fish: Northern Pike & Bass
(80% Crown Land)


Wadsworth Lake –
Surface Area 300 acres
Max Depth 40′
Fish: Small mouth & Large mouth Bass

Waterhouse Lake – (Faraday)
Surface Area 16 hectares
Max Depth 17m
Fish: Northern Pike & Bass

West Mullet Lake – (Faraday)
Surface Area 11 hectares
Max Depth 17m
Fish: Bass

White Duck Lake – (Bangor)
Surface Area 16 hectares
Max Depth 7m
Fish: Rainbow Trout & Bass

Weslemkoon Lake –
Surface Area 4834 acres
Max Depth 180′
Fish: Lake Trout, Small mouth  & Large mouth Bass

Wolf Lake –  (Apsley)
Surface Area 312 acres
Max Depth 28′
Fish: Small mouth Bass, Muskie
Wollaston Lake – (Wollaston)
Surface Area 871 Acres
Max Depth 100′
10% Crown Land
Fish: Bass, Lake Trout & Northern PikeXYZ

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